
Now is your time to talk. With smart questions you come up with your own solutions. It can be that simple. Let’s plan for one hour at a time and you will get closer to new think & life patterns which will make a difference. Rita is a life coach. Connect here.

  • Saying of the week
    Make sure that what you live for is what you are willing to die for. Charles F. Stanley, 1953 – 2023 translated by Rita H.
    Join with your little ones for a fun morning, taking over Gipfeli and Coffee or Tea, while the little ones can play along.
  • The voices from the Tohuwabohu
    From the Tohuwabohu of voices around us, what they tell us, and which matter. Translated from Hebrew Tohuwabahu means a huge chaos. Humans are constantly exposed to a jumble of voices form inside and outside. The question often is, how to entangle those from time to time, that they make sense in our lives.  Dealing… Read more: The voices from the Tohuwabohu
  • Resolutions – are short lived!
    We are almost at the end of the first quarter of 2023- and we thought that year has just begun! In what drawer do resolutions usually end up? Totally in the drawer of forgotten? Or even put if off? You tell yourself: “Sometime later I will surely do it.” Or even worse. It ends up… Read more: Resolutions – are short lived!
  • Spirituality and you?
    How does that go together? Spirituality is a container term. Not only does a lot of things fit into it, but also a lot of different things.What are you thinking about?That interests us as a young association that wants to be an added value for you in the neighborhood. We want to be a practical… Read more: Spirituality and you?